About Us - Kozhikode Leisure Tourism

Our Vision

Kozhikode Leisure Tourism aims to develop Kozhikode as an attractive and major tourist destination by exploring, conserving, developing and promoting tangible as well as intangible, natural, cultural, biological and human made heritages.

To develop, expand and promote tourism by means of easy, safe, reliable and regular air and land transportations. To sustainably use natural resources and means while protecting the environment while using natural resources and means in the course of development construction of tourism infrastructure. To encourage tourism units tourists to take up socially relevant activities. To encourage tourism units tourists to practice environment-friendly practices. To build capacity of community at various levels to get benefits from tourism. To document field level activities studies etc., In this way Kozhikode Leisure Tourism will also create good industry- community relations in tourism sector.

Kozhikode Leisure Tourism will also promote local employment local procurement etc., in tourism destinations by encouraging green principles in construction architecture green protocols in waste management organic farming etc.,